Demystifying Linked Lists in the Linux Kernel


Hello fellow tech enthusiasts! Today, we’re embarking on a journey into the heart of the Linux Kernel to unravel the secrets of linked lists. Buckle up as we delve into the realm of data structures and discover how linked lists play a pivotal role in managing the complexities of the operating system.

What’s All the Hype About Linked Lists?

At its core, a linked list is a linear data structure where each element, or node, contains both data and a reference to the next node in the sequence. Unlike arrays, where elements are neatly arranged in contiguous memory blocks, linked lists offer a more dynamic approach, with each element pointing the way to the next one. Think of it as a chain where each link holds valuable information and guides us to the next link in line.

The Linux Kernel Connection

Linked lists aren’t just another data structure in the Linux Kernel – they’re the backbone of efficient data organization and management. Whether it’s maintaining a list of processes waiting for CPU time, tracking device drivers and pending requests, or managing free memory blocks, linked lists are indispensable. Understanding how they’re implemented within the kernel gives us valuable insights into the inner workings of the operating system.

Breaking Down the Node Structure

Let’s take a closer look at the anatomy of a node in a linked list. Each node consists of two essential components: the actual data it holds and a pointer to the next node in line.

Here’s a glimpse of what a node looks like in code:

struct node_t {
int data; // data in the node, as many as you want
struct list_head linking; // linking property here 

A look at the predefined  struct list_head shows 

struct list_head {
struct list_head *next, *prev;

Note that on the doubly linked list, we will have *next and *prev, however on singly we just require one pointer.

Acyclical doubly linked list 

Unlocking the Potential: Applications of Linked Lists

Linked lists serve a myriad of purposes within the Linux Kernel, from task management to device driver and memory management. Whether it’s organizing processes, tracking devices, or managing memory, linked lists are the go-to solution for efficient data handling.

Putting it into Action: Functions and Implementations

Before we can unleash the power of linked lists, we need to initialize them properly. Fortunately, the Kernel provides us with handy macros and functions for insertion, deletion, and splicing operations. From list_add_tail() to list_splice(), these functions make working with linked lists a breeze.


The list head must be initialised before use:

// Maybe initialise the node 
struct node_t* first_str;
first_str->data = 1;

These functions are detailed in include/linux/list.h. To list but a few:

list_add_tail() inserts a new entry before the specified head, used for queues.

list_del() deletes a specific entry from the list.

list_add() inserts a new entry after the specified head.

list_empty() checks if the pointed to the list is empty.

list_splice() joins two lists, used for stacks

In conclusion, linked lists are more than just a data structure – they’re the unsung heroes of the Linux Kernel, quietly orchestrating the flow of data behind the scenes. So the next time you marvel at the seamless operation of your operating system, remember that it’s all thanks to the humble linked list. Until next time, happy coding! 🚀

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